Many erotic authors strive to entertain you while they create stories that first amuse them. What do you think keeps our creative effort and energy flowing? Besides you, dear reader, the answer is each other. If you think it’s fun reading our stories, imagine our joy in creating them. We share everything from our inspiration of originality to our plots and final drafts with each other. And there’s more.
I was at dinner the other night at Top Chef Kenny Gilbert’s restaurant, Gilbert’s Underground Kitchen. The menu boasted a tasty sangria flight, so everyone at the table decided to give it a whirl. The colors were vibrant, the ingredients intriguing, and when presented all together, they made an artistic statement. I pulled out my phone and snapped the picture. As I thought about the depiction, it conjured up images of all the new writing friends I have made and the lengths we go to be with each other by DM, PM, twitter chats, texts, calls, SKYPES, drives, and flights.
What have those interactions given me?
1. Spark. Our combined energy is astounding. Sometimes I think writers should have a side comedian gig. Mischa Eliot is the funniest person I know. Follow her on Twitter, and you will see what I mean. We could be a comedy team because we complete each other’s mischievous thoughts. Are we redheaded twins? Our thinking processes may not be the same, but we pack a punch in getting to the same place at the same time. Then we become elated. Our telephone calls and now SKYPE sessions are an event. Next, we'll be selling tickets on Ticketmaster.
2. Knowledge. Writers delve into the how-tos of writing. We approach this from the every angle. Serious, silly, thoughtful, and even well, naughty. We discuss writers, inspiration, book titles, and resources. We share, generously. For example, for author resources on social media, the queen of sharing is Rachel Thompson. Her Wednesday Night 9 pm #bookmarketingchat on Twitter provides a wealth of information. If I get stuck on how to do something, a writer is there to help. Writers have bigheartedness.
3. Insights. Writers dissect everything to get insight. We pick each other’s brains, and we go to where the action is to glean that information. After many conversations on social media, Tamara Lush contacted me to meet her in Jacksonville at a book event. Our only contacts had occurred through social media and when in real life we walked and talked like old friends, sharing the awareness we had gained thus far in our writing adventures. And sure enough, as I write this, Tamara sent me a tweet connecting several authors together to join her on a trip to the British Museum. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
4. Connoisseurs. Writers inhale the sensuality of food and coffee. I met Leonora Solomon and Rebecca Brooks at fantastic restaurants in New York City. Leave it to local writers to know where to take a tourist for sustenance. Locally, I frequent Amelia Island Coffee to discuss writing business. Coffee and food set the ambiance for the writer’s mood. Sights, sounds, scents, tastes, and feelings enrich the writing environment. We partake together. We feed one another, literally and figuratively.
5. Community. Writers create community. My newest connection is with Wicked Pens. Our description on Facebook says, “The Wicked Pens are an independent group of romance, erotic romance, and erotica writers dedicated to each other and united in a common cause. We support each other and our group, promoting excellence in writing and working toward individual and collective success.” Whether we are brainstorming, editing, beta reading, or having fun with each other, we are one-stop shopping for reading enjoyment. Check us out to see our latest news.
Believe me, the life of this author is never dull. I could tell you more, but I must go now; I have a writer date.
I was at dinner the other night at Top Chef Kenny Gilbert’s restaurant, Gilbert’s Underground Kitchen. The menu boasted a tasty sangria flight, so everyone at the table decided to give it a whirl. The colors were vibrant, the ingredients intriguing, and when presented all together, they made an artistic statement. I pulled out my phone and snapped the picture. As I thought about the depiction, it conjured up images of all the new writing friends I have made and the lengths we go to be with each other by DM, PM, twitter chats, texts, calls, SKYPES, drives, and flights.
What have those interactions given me?
1. Spark. Our combined energy is astounding. Sometimes I think writers should have a side comedian gig. Mischa Eliot is the funniest person I know. Follow her on Twitter, and you will see what I mean. We could be a comedy team because we complete each other’s mischievous thoughts. Are we redheaded twins? Our thinking processes may not be the same, but we pack a punch in getting to the same place at the same time. Then we become elated. Our telephone calls and now SKYPE sessions are an event. Next, we'll be selling tickets on Ticketmaster.
2. Knowledge. Writers delve into the how-tos of writing. We approach this from the every angle. Serious, silly, thoughtful, and even well, naughty. We discuss writers, inspiration, book titles, and resources. We share, generously. For example, for author resources on social media, the queen of sharing is Rachel Thompson. Her Wednesday Night 9 pm #bookmarketingchat on Twitter provides a wealth of information. If I get stuck on how to do something, a writer is there to help. Writers have bigheartedness.
3. Insights. Writers dissect everything to get insight. We pick each other’s brains, and we go to where the action is to glean that information. After many conversations on social media, Tamara Lush contacted me to meet her in Jacksonville at a book event. Our only contacts had occurred through social media and when in real life we walked and talked like old friends, sharing the awareness we had gained thus far in our writing adventures. And sure enough, as I write this, Tamara sent me a tweet connecting several authors together to join her on a trip to the British Museum. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
4. Connoisseurs. Writers inhale the sensuality of food and coffee. I met Leonora Solomon and Rebecca Brooks at fantastic restaurants in New York City. Leave it to local writers to know where to take a tourist for sustenance. Locally, I frequent Amelia Island Coffee to discuss writing business. Coffee and food set the ambiance for the writer’s mood. Sights, sounds, scents, tastes, and feelings enrich the writing environment. We partake together. We feed one another, literally and figuratively.
5. Community. Writers create community. My newest connection is with Wicked Pens. Our description on Facebook says, “The Wicked Pens are an independent group of romance, erotic romance, and erotica writers dedicated to each other and united in a common cause. We support each other and our group, promoting excellence in writing and working toward individual and collective success.” Whether we are brainstorming, editing, beta reading, or having fun with each other, we are one-stop shopping for reading enjoyment. Check us out to see our latest news.
Believe me, the life of this author is never dull. I could tell you more, but I must go now; I have a writer date.